about me

Welcome to my creative abode, where art, wellness, style, purpose and commerce converge. As a female entrepreneur, I am the Founder and Creative Director of Wolf and Byrd, and Ra. by Sato, purpose driven luxury fashion brands. In addition to my business ventures, I spend my time exploring narratives and life themes through photography and various forms of art.

My educational background in business and marketing is a perfect complement to my love of creating and exploring art. This space represents the beautiful merging of commerce and creativity, which I adore and appreciate.

Inspiration for my creative expressions is drawn from a variety of sources such as life experiences, fashion, geometry, the cosmos, and ethereal art forms. I am particularly fond of watercolour, acrylic, digital painting, and collage abstract art techniques. Moreover, through my intuitive writing, I aim to inspire authenticity, confidence, and empower all those who come across my messages.

Life is an ever-evolving journey that presents us with countless experiences to learn and grow from. My goal is to translate my journey and present my perspective artistically, in a way that resonates and connects with others. My hope is that you see yourself (or aspects of yourself) as the subjects presented here, and that you are inspired to pursue your interests, embrace your authenticity, and live inspired and fulfilled lives.

In addition to my creative endeavours, I am passionate about giving back to the community. That's why a percentage of all online store sales are donated to charities that support the environment, and empower girls and women in areas such as health, education, and careers.

Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I hope you find inspiration and connection in my creative abode.



Follow my journey on Instagram: @eyeofsato , @eyeofsato.studio and @anhadh.by.sato

If my fashion brands are of interest, please follow Wolf and Byrd, and Ra. by Sato on Instagram: @wolfandbyrd and @ra.by_sato